Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Sketchbook Project book is here...

And has been...for a couple weeks!!  I just haven't mentioned it because I haven't done any work in it yet.  The reason I haven't done any work in it yet is because I just finished illustrating THE FICTION PROJECT!  I am SO horrible with these things.  Thankfully Art House Co-op will still take my book.  It won't go on tour, but that's cool because that wasn't the point of me doing the Fiction Project anyway.
Since I'm terrible at most things having to do with paying attention, I didn't realize that the sketchbook would be so much smaller than the fiction book.  It has much better paper, though, and I am kind of excited about the size.  Depending on my mood, I either have too much workspace or not enough.  The size of the sketchbook is enough that I won't be limited but also won't be overwhelmed.  It's all good.
I haven't finished my paper mache arm, yet.  Things went awry in real life and I've not had a chance to get back to it.  Soon, though.  Soon.  I need to see it finished and heft it about.
One thing I did manage to nearly complete (nearly completing things is a big step for me) is a painting that my friend, A wrote a poem about.  I wanted to give it to him, but first I wanted to touch it up.  I managed to do that!  I also varnished it and now all I need to do is ship it to him.  That's the part that I was supposed to do earlier this week, but that's another thing that was tossed to the side when life hit the fan!  Soon...very soon!
That's all I have for now.  I'm not sure why but my head has been flooded with ideas and images that I need to do (I like to refer to them as "visions" because they feel like it, whether it's when I'm dreaming or awake and they sort of flash in my brain and stick).  Notepad has come in very handy for this.  First I must ship out A's painting.  Then I must send the Fiction Project.  Then I will get back to my own thing (the arm, the visions, etc...) while also working on the Sketchbook Project.  All things will fall into place...they just have to.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Messing around with sculpture...

It has been quite some time since I posted. For a few months, I've been gradually spiraling downward in depression. It hit and it hit hard, but yesterday and today seem okay for the most part. I'm certainly not feeling my norm, but I'm hoping I'll get back there soon. Anyway, I'm feeling well enough to do artwork and, really, that's all that matters.
Not ready to get back to that large painting I posted about earlier and not in the mood to work on a drawing I started, I decided to try to create something that has been stuck in my head for years. Several months ago, while pondering this idea, I figured out what materials would be best to use to create it exactly how I want it. Flour, water, and newspaper (or some other kinds of paper). Yes...paper mache. Or papier-mache if you're too cool for paper mache ;)

I'm notorious for my snobbery when it comes to supplies - not to other artists and their choices, but to my own. And not all the time, either. Just once in a while, I'll turn my nose up at an idea I have as the words "Well you're not an artist, then" float through my head (not said by me, but to me...more on that later). Certain things/people make me doubt my abilities, but then I remember the images that float through my head (and sometimes stick for years) and my ability to put them in physical form. And then I consider the fact these people that enjoy telling me what I am or am not are not able to do this. The satisfaction I feel when I remember that not all of me sucks is good and also acts a a giant middle finger to those naysayers. "You can say that, but look what I can do!"

Knowing these things about me, I sort of feel like I'm having a sordid affair by using paper mache. It feels good, though. I love messy and I love getting my hands thoroughly involved in what I'm doing. Paper mache lets me do that. I get to enjoy the feel of sculpting at a much cheaper cost than clay!

Here are a couple progress photos taken on June 16th :

Back to work today - I took more photos yesterday that I will post later. My original intention was to keep the fingers and wrist flexible, but while working on it yesterday, I decided against that and formed the hand into a position that I found attractive.
