Thursday, July 19, 2012

Illustration Friday: Lost

I'll be honest: this was not made for this week's Illustration Friday theme, but I think it fits very well.  The word is "Lost" and the painting ("Lost and Found") matches.  This painting (6 in. x 9 in. with 1 inch border) was made a couple of weeks ago using watercolors.  As usual, it contains bits of my own self image, the idea of loss, and even the eventual celebration of what loss can illuminate.

[tags art, drawing, painting, illustration, nude, figure, desert, sun, loss, hope, fear, body]

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Illustration Friday: Suspend

I like the word "suspend" and the many images that could be associated with it.

In November of last year I drew a similar picture while in a hospital waiting room. The idea of being suspended by a thread passing through the navel intrigued me. Sort of the second tie to life, with the umbilical cord being the first. However, once this tie is cut, it's over...or the end of this is followed by the beginning of a new life, depending on your beliefs.

This time 'round I drew a above the suspended body, with the thread wrapped around the little finger.

[tags life, art, drawing, colored pencil, birth, death, suspend, string, hanging]

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

If you would just stop touching it...

"You" being "me" and "it" being my blog (and me...depending).  I turned 32 the other day (July 2nd) and I still haven't learned that things will be less irritating if I leave them alone.  This goes along the lines of "things become complicated when you forget about their simple, individual parts" or "...the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you could stop tonguing it".

As I wrote in my last post from June-freaking-13th (nearly a month ago!), I created a self-hosted WP blog at a subdirectory at and was trying to decide if I was going to keep this one and that one, or ditch this one, blah blah blah.  Overcomplicated.  Just...overcomplicated.  I like this blog.  I like you guys/gals that subscribe to it, and comment and what not.  That other one was far too much of a pain in the ass for what I wanted it to be.  Which was (get ready) a BLOG.  It was slow.  Posting to it was a nightmare.  Really, there wasn't any major benefit considering...  I get why people do the whole self-hosted thing and it makes total sense for them.  For me...not so much.

So, like most things I repeatedly attempt/redo/reorganize/overthink, I'm simply going to use this lovely one and nothing more.  The rest is unnecessary.  My site is still accessible from this blog, just as this blog is still accessible from my site.  It's just much faster and less complicated.

As I've been writing this, fireworks are being set off outside and it's really pulling my attention away.  I'm going to go hunt them down (I'm not sure which direction they're in and the trees block most views) and admire them.  Happy 4th.