Saturday, February 4, 2012

A thank you post...

Those that know me know that I can get really mushy sometimes and the level of mush depends on the circumstances and how I'm feeling.  People that aren't familiar with me either think that I'm being "sweet" or that I'm being disingenuous (those that think this tend to be the most cynical about everything) or a sort of sycophant.  When it comes time for me to offer a thank you, I tend to get nervous because of the very reasons I mentioned. 
There is this feeling inside my torso that I get when I'm really, really grateful for something (this happens a lot).  If I don't acknowledge it, the feeling builds and that's where the level of mushiness really comes into play.  If I let it build too much, I become this sobbing blob of fat that blubbers about how wonderful this or that is (this really happens) and it actually becomes physically I want to explode and allow rainbows and glitter to shoot out of my disintegrating viscera...or something equally exciting.  Rather than that awesomeness happening, I just cry REALLY hard for a few minutes, and then I'm over it and can get on with making horrific drawings or ridiculous cartoons.
SO, now that all of you are aware of these truly embarrassing things about me (things I don't share, mind you) I want to say:

I think it's terrific that people read this blog (for whatever reason) and like it enough to "Like" it and even follow!  I'm grateful for that.  So, thank you!
I also think it's neat that the people who Like/follow the blog are so similar to one another - we all seem to share the same sense of humor/writing style/interest in art/etc...  So, of course, if you spot a fellow Liker on a post, click on them and see what their deal is if you don't already do that!  It's almost like watching a video on YouTube and then continually clicking on the suggested videos until you end up in an unknown land that may or may not traumatize you.  Almost.
[tags thanks, thank you, blog, follow, likes, grateful, humor, writing, people, life, story]

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