Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A messy life and Work of Art...

My place is a wreck.  A serious, serious wreck.  After returning from the Illness Vacation and whipping out that MS Paint drawing on the 14th, I still have not properly cleaned my apartment nor have I really (really) worked on anything.  I did start a painting I was asked to do, but only started it and haven't touched it in a week.  Terrible.
Today, though, has started out wonderfully well.  I slept quite well (woke up nearly every hour, but did not allow myself to get out of bed), awoke at 5:30, made coffee, started laundry and dishes, and am well on my way to cleaning off the drafting table and getting my rather large behind in gear! 
Last night I watched the final episode of "Work of Art" (thank you On Demand!).  Two days prior, I watched the next-to-final episode and couldn't wait to see the end.  Wow.  Before watching, I was certain Young would win due to his previous successes.  I liked the idea of his work for the finale, but I couldn't get into it.  Although, I would have liked to stand in that structure he built to see the photos of his boyfriend and mother staring back at me - I really dug that concept.  I'm not sure why that wasn't made to be more significant in the work.
Sara's work was really beautiful.  Both the crane piece and bed of hypodermic needles are equally my favorite, just in different ways.  I wasn't entirely sure about the video (or the web), but I think it worked.  I wonder if maybe it was detrimental to her winning, though?  I go back and forth on it; a part of me feels it was necessary.  I am a fan of getting to the nitty-gritty of a person's being.  That she took an idea that allowed people to say whatever they wanted/needed due to the freedom of anonymity was fantastic.  Something like that always ranks high with me. 
I would think it a tough decision choosing between Sara and Kymia's work, but they chose well.  I can't think of any piece Kymia did that I didn't like - including the burial mounds.  The boat picture was my favorite, of course.  That picture makes the cliché "a picture is worth..." true.  Truly stunning.  I'm still not sure about the headpiece so I will need to watch that episode again (I usually watch each one a couple of times because my head doesn't always sit straight and still).  Really, all of the paintings she did were beautiful.
Time to fly now.  I'm running low on juice and getting easily distracted (I'm sure you can tell mid-way through the Sara paragraph!).

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