Monday, April 30, 2012

The Photo Response Project

In addition to the Self Portrait Project and the Mystery Project, I'm also doing the Photo Response Project - a free project offered by the Art House Co-op.
It needed to be postmarked by April 30th and I will be one day late.  At least I finished it!
I should say, though, that I thought it had to be postmarked on the 31st and I thought tomorrow was the 31st.  As I discover every year, there are not 31 days in April...  *The more you know!*
[tags art house, art, art house co-op, photo, photo response, painting, drawing, acrylic, canvas, project, sorrow, sad, color]

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Illustration Friday: Heights

When I was younger, I had to wear a Milwaukee brace.  The name sounds fun because "Milwaukee" is involved in a lot of neat things, including beer, but this was not fun.  Though it did a variety of things to me, the relevant-to-this-post thing is that it did not allow me to look down.  It held my head up and forward and it took a lot of getting used to.  With each step, I felt like I was going to fall off the edge of whatever I was standing on, even if what I was standing on had no edges - didn't matter.  Thus, I became afraid of heights.  Walking on ground was frightening enough...walking on anything elevated was a nightmare.  Thankfully, the elementary school I attended was kind enough to give me a key to the elevator so I could completely avoid the stairs.
So here is my translation of Illustration Friday's "Heights":
[tags illustration, illustration friday, pastels, pencil, ink, colored pencil, brace, scoliosis, milwaukee brace, child, heights, height]

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Topsail Island vacation...

"Mrs. Gump, is there a Mr. Gump?"
"He's on vacation."
Probably not at Topsail Island, though.  Which is where I am and have been since the 14th.  I would like to say "That is why I have not updated my blog" but that would be a lie.  I could say that I was busy getting things together for vacation, but that would only be a half-truth.  I have not updated my blog because of my typical reasons.  However, I did manage to post every day for a whole week that one week a couple weeks ago!! (did you follow that?  I didn't)
So, yes, Topsail Island, NC.  Specifically, Surf City, NC.  It has been beautiful and even though today is a gray one, that's quite alright as I tend to favor them.  I wanted to share with you a picture I took at sunrise on the 18th.  Here:
[tags photography, photo, beach, ocean, atlantic ocean, sunrise, island, topsail, topsail island, surf city, surf, waves, water, vacation]

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Self Portrait Project...

Still working on it.
[tags art house co-op, painting, acrylic, portrait, self portrait, canvas, art house, art, project]

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The painting is done...

And now I need to find a new thing to do.  This photo was taken before I put the clear coat on and I wish I had taken a better one because I always struggle with taking pictures of varnished paintings.  If anyone has some good tips on how to do that, send 'em my way!
[tags art, painting, canvas, orange, landscape, portrait, dream, nightmare, storm, ocean, sky]

Monday, April 2, 2012

More painting...

The clouds are working out.  I always forget that if I am patient, then I can get things to look as I want them to.  But rarely am I patient.  I made tiny, tiny changes today that might be hardly noticeable, but that's okay...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The start of a painting...

From a dream I had last year. 

I'm really, really struggling with the clouds.  The first picture was my first attempt (I sort of like those clouds better).  The second picture is what is currently on the canvas.  I think I'm heading in the right direction...maybe!