Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sadness, experimenting, and stuff...

That title is too fantastic...reeks of brilliance. Of course, I'm not at all serious.

Lately, I have found myself in quite a deep rut, but this morning I have been trying to wiggle my way out of it. So far I've been successful. I strongly dislike the days when I break down and start sobbing out of nowhere, but I thoroughly enjoy and welcome the days when I wake up without a lump in my throat. Balance, yeah? It's a nice thing to have!

Two nights ago I had a dream that I was looking at myself and half of my face was smudged if I was a charcoal drawing and someone wiped their hand down part of my face. It was unsettling, so I decided to try and recreate it with watercolors (honestly, I'm not all that familiar with watercolors) - I failed. But, I'm going to post it anyway. Eventually, I will give it another go...this time, I'll lay off the thick black.

I have a desire to start a new body of work and I may start that today. My brain is not entirely set on what the theme will be, though.


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