Monday, May 16, 2011

I missed the boat!!

On Saturday I realized that the Fiction Project had to be there by May 16th, not just postmarked.  I'm so disappointed in myself, however I will still be sending it.  It won't go on tour, but that's is important for me to finish it and send it.  To actually complete something!
I was looking through my sketchbook (unrelated to The Sketchbook Project, which I have yet to register for) and have really been in the mood to take some of the ideas and put them on "good" paper with "good" supplies.  Either watercolors or colored pencil...not sure which, yet, but I'm looking forward to being completely finished with the Fiction Project so I can work on some drawings.
Going back to the Fiction Project, I wrote 4 short stories on Friday night that I still need to copy into the book (avec illustrations).  By the middle of the 4th story I was so exhausted that I was hitting the backspace key more than any other one.  When I read through them on Saturday, I realized that I must have started getting tired during the 2nd story because anything past the first one was total shit!  I rewrote the second and read it to JD twice.  He didn't get it the first time 'round, but really enjoyed it the second time (I think it's because I have a nasty habit of stopping to explain something, and I didn't do that the second time). 
JD is terrific in so many ways, but I will admit that one of the things I appreciate most about him is that he has such a fantastic imagination and he's deeply creative.  Any time I want something read over, he's the first person I go to because of these abilities.  Some of the stories in my Fiction Project I've gone over with him before I entered them in the book...I'm excited to put these 4 in there today.
Whew!  Hopefully I will be done today and can have JD mail it out tomorrow or, since he has Wednesday off, I may mail it out then.

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