Thursday, May 12, 2011

Taking a break/refresher...

Either works.  I just got back from the dentist and while preparing to go back to working on the Fiction Project, I realized that I don't have ANYTHING in my head right now.  Nada.  Anything worthwhile to use, anyway.

I have had a large canvas on my easel for a few-several months.  I started the painting in January and worked on it for a few weeks, then stopped.  So it just sits there.  I didn't take it off the easel when I rearranged my "studio", so when I moved it, I hurt my back because of the weight and awkwardness...maybe I'm angry with it.  Anyway, I thought posting photos of what progress I did make on it would be motivational for me.

The canvas itself was a gift from people that changed their feelings about me, so the painting I'm putting on it represents those people, in a way.  That might be another reason why I haven't worked on it.  It's difficult to think about and not get sad or angry.  But it's so important for me to finish it because of what it represents.
This is what it started out as:

Then it turned into this:

I don't know if you noticed, but they're two different paintings.  I started out in one direction, then decided to Thelma & Louise that idea, and covered it up with this.  This is not unusual...I think well over 3/4 of all my paintings have at least 1 completely different painting under them.  I have lots of canvases that have several paintings on them.  I don't know why I do it...I just do.
This is what it looks like right now:

Slight progress...enough progress that I'm able to remember where I was heading and I want to keep that direction.

Maybe I'll write about it!  Probably not.  *sigh*  Off to attempt to make something worthwhile!


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