Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hello stomach virus...

How are you this evening? 
Nature put me out of commission for a few days and while I was hoping that I would be well enough to accomplish something productive today, I didn't.  I was well enough to, but I had a lot of cleaning to catch up on.  Plus I don't consider cleaning productive - my kind of productive anyway.
Thankfully my illness opened my head up a bit and allowed a few ideas through.  I'm excited to start working on them tomorrow.  Whilst in bed and unable to move, I was stuck with the t.v.  I found a show called...well, something about art.  It had "art" in the title.  I watched 2 episodes (they were about an hour long) and although I missed most of the second episode (sleep attacked me), I was pleased with what I saw of the first.  It's about an art competition; 10 (or so) artists compete for their own show at the Brooklyn Art Museum.  The first contestant to get canned was Ugo; a beautiful Frenchman whose style is similar to that of Keith Haring.  Initially his piece was unimpressive and boring...lots of red layers.  But then he removed the red backdrop and WOW.  It seemed like it came alive.  It was unfortunate he didn't remove the red backdrop from the get-go - undoubtedly that would have saved him.
Don Vito the "Pig" is running laps around his cage and it's loud, so I'm retiring for the night.  Since I haven't posted to this, I will leave you with a picture I drew while working as a TSR.  No thought involved (obviously) - simply sitting in front of a computer, listening to people threaten to end my life because they have no internet connection.  Sometimes I actually miss that job, but I think it's because I was good at it and there are very few things I'm good at.

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