Sunday, October 16, 2011

My difficulty with writing...

Those that know me have often been subjected to very long emails nearing novelette lengths. And they're just emails. They're filled with possible ramblings or just several paragraphs of intense thought. But still...they're emails. They should be short and to the point.

I've been working on that, so now my emails usually are short and to the point, but I really have to fight off rambling and giving every detail of every thing I'm attempting to communicate. I think partly it's because of my fear of being misunderstood. This carries on into my blogs.

When I create a post that involves a drawing, it's much easier for me to just quickly jot down a few thoughts about the image and leave it at that. I certainly have an urge to go in depth and tell you every thought I have about not only the resulting image, but also my feelings on it while creating it and so on. What happens is I end up with a very, very long post that not many people will want to read. Plus, when I write like that it seems I get burned out. So much so that I won't post for a very long time after. Obviously, that happens now without the burnout, but I'm working on that too!

I feel internally divided - where one part wants to share a lot with the world and be very open about everything (I think letting people know they're not alone while still acknowledging their unique circumstances is important) and the other part wants to remain closed off, severely private and almost cold, I suppose. It's a constant battle and whoever the victor is depends on my mood that day or moment.

The reason I'm thinking about these things tonight and writing about it is because I want to try to find a middle ground or at least a comfortable place with my posting (and myself). Presenting those pieces as I do was a big deal for me because there is a lot (a LOT) of resistance from my family and some friends about the type of work I do and it's always been a struggle trying to feel good about myself and please them at the same time. My family likes what I do as long as it's not what "I" do, if that makes sense. I don't think I would ever be able to show them the works that I post here and the amazing thing is that these pieces have been very well received by others - I didn't think that was possible. The voices of my family rotate through my head when I make those sometimes, so to hear/read positive messages/critiques about them floors me.

I know that when some people meet me and then see my artwork, their initial impression of me goes through a pretty large overhaul. I could say that I'm not a violent person; I'm actually very peaceful, but that's not entirely true. It goes back to that division I mentioned earlier - part of me is violent and angry and the other part is incredibly peaceful and loving. That's not to say that the work is violent though. I don't think it is. I think the last two images I posted are actually very loving and represent an ultimate of something...maybe self-sacrifice? There are so many themes that could be applied and, if it were up to me, "violent" would be at the end of the list.

I like to keep this blog not too personal, but not so distant either. I hope I'm achieving that. I'm pretty sure I rambled...

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