Saturday, January 28, 2012

Prepare for a long post...

I'm seriously, you guys.

I've noticed how lax I've been in updating my blog.  I'm not sure what the deal is, but I'm looking into remedying it.  I write out a list of possible posts and then don't get to them or, I see them, but don't remember what I was going to say.  I figured that today I would write about a recurring issue I have that sort of ties into my work: My name.  Yes, my name is an issue.

I have gone through more casual name changes than I want to admit.  I've changed for a variety of reasons: paranoia, boredom, spelling problems, anger/spite, and simply not feeling right about my name.

I have only gone through 1 legal name change: I was adopted.  I went through several years of one easy-to-spell surname and then it changed to a rather fantastic, albeit hard to spell/pronounce, surname.  Like old songs or movies, names can be triggers to past memories, good or bad.  My last name made me think of bad things, so I wanted to change it.  My first name did the same, so I wanted to get rid of that too.  And then it started.

In high school, I toyed with the spelling of my first name.  I was usually called "Jenni", so I continually changed the spelling of that until one day my Federal Government teacher pronounced my newly spelled "Jenee" as "Juh-NEE".  I knew I had a problem.

Early adulthood I signed my work with a symbol that I still use once in a while.  I refused to sign my name because I still couldn't accept it.

Then, as mentioned in the Explanation section of my blog, I went through several years of being ridiculously crazy and became obsessed with changing my name.  I continually changed my online usernames or created new ones because I was scared that I would be found.  Now when I see those names they seem so foreign - I don't even recognize some of them.

Last year I created a whole new name: Morgan Dreag.  I love the name Morgan.  I think the letter "M" is beautiful, I have a massive connection to the sea, and I think Morgan sounds like such a strong name.  I needed some strength.  And "Dreag"...well, I kept that part. I like writing it.  I believe it's Old English for "apparition" and since I had spent most of my life feeling like I was a ghost, I thought it was suitable.

I used Morgan for a while.  I look like a Morgan, so it seemed pretty natural.  The family and friends I chose to tell about the name assured me that they wouldn't say anything because they understood my fear of being found (it's not a completely irrational fear...just mostly).  Unfortunately, someone did mention it to another person and that name lost its power for me.  The illusion of strength and protection was gone.  The name hunt resumed...

Trying to find a name that not only fit me, but also matched my work was becoming a hassle.  Here I had the documents ready to start the legal change - I just needed a name to put on them!  I tried various names on, typed them out in different fonts, wrote them out by hand, entered them on forms, signed quick drawings with them; all to see how they looked and felt when doing that. Still, nothing.

I went back to look at my real name.  My surname is relatively unique, so I don't have the problem of being lost in a list, but it also makes me easy to find for those that know the name.  During my name-hunt, I went through countless name meaning sites and books, typing and looking up each name that popped in my head.  Of course I repeatedly researched "Jennifer".  In doing this I found that "Jennifer" also has connections to water and apparitions.  For reals.  Once again I already had something I wanted, I just needed to go the l o n g way to figure that out (can you tell that this happens a LOT?).

I'm sure that eventually I will, once more, become bored with my name or if I become mentally unwell again, I will feel the need to change everything, but I have a feeling by posting all these things that I've rarely said out loud, it will allow me to be okay with keeping what I got.

There is also the possibility of hitting the "Publish" button and eventually seeing a shadowy figure standing outside my window...

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