Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Slacka! Part Deux...

I am the World's Biggest Slacker.  Maybe slacker isn't the right word...procrastinator.  Laggard.  It has been quite some time since I blogged and I'm behind on everything else as well.  The Sketchbook Project?  Soooo behind.  Adding more items to Etsy?  Soooo behind.  Drawing, period?  Yep...behind.
I had hoped that I would at least scrawl out an illustration for Illustration Friday, but I didn't do that either.  I haven't really done anything art-related in a few days, but today I am going to try.  Maybe even whip out a drawing for I.F.!!
In the midst of all of this dilly-dallying, something possibly exciting happened; I was asked to give private art lessons to someone's child.  It's a 13 year old boy, so I think it will work out well since I typically act like a 13 year old boy (sense of humor: check, general behavior: check).  It is something that I am considering doing, though.  I think it would be good to do; certainly inspiring. 
In the meantime, I will leave you with an image I submitted to Illustration Friday in 2006.  The word was "Skyline" and I drew it during one of the many (many, many, many) identity issues I've had over the years, hence it's signed with my old moniker "Renner" (I'm still fond of that one, so it's not entirely gone...) and a symbol I use sometimes still.
Have a great day everyone and if any of you are stagnant in your creativity, I hope today provides a break for you too!!

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