Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I am lame...

There is a very good, and lame, reason why I haven't posted anything in nearly a month (that makes me want to faint).  I've been depressed.  Not the manic-mix where I am depressed but getting a variety of things (some questionable) done, but the kind where it is difficult to breathe.
However, as the wise man who was once a newt said: "I got better" (written in my most-bestest peasant English accent)
I am feeling better.  Unfortunately I have nothing...not one damn show for my absence.  It would be great if I had painted something awful on that giant blank canvas hanging on my wall, but the only thing I did to it was scooch it up the wall because my arm kept hitting it when I sat on my sofa-thing.  Progress!
I'm looking forward to this coming Illustration Friday's word.  I have no idea what last week's was and while I still have 2 days to scratch something out, I think I might just wait until the end of this week.
So...yeah.  Sorry for my lameness and what makes me feel even more sorry is that there have been views and yet I haven't produced entries.  So...thanks for still viewing in my absence.  I do appreciate it :)
Off to find some steam so I can pick it up!  (could you imagine trying to pick up steam?  Literally, I mean.  Like hoarding handfuls of steam and quickly shoving it in your pockets...  I like the image in my head...someone draw a person shoving steam in their pockets and link me to it!)

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