Friday, March 23, 2012

The idea of 365 days...

Obviously NOT my idea...  I don't know how many days I would have shoved into one year if I was in charge of that project, but I wasn't.  Maybe 5?  Be really REALLY old and still look totally kick-ass?  Yes, thank you.
Moving on to more sensible things, the idea of doing something everyday of the year - 365 days - intrigues me and makes me slightly ill.  I'm not talking about showering or sleeping or eating the food.  I mean doing what I have seen so many others accomplish - make a blog post  Yikes.
I admire those that can do it.  I even admire those that try.  I like the idea of doing it, but, as I am with many things, the fear of failing is so, so great.  So I haven't even attempted.  I think I might, though.  I would like to try.
Aside from my fear and the many ways it manifests itself (and there are many), my other problem with not always accomplishing things is my horrible memory.  If I connect a day of the week with a topic, then I think my chances of actually succeeding at posting something every day are a bit better than if I just tried to wing it.

This is why I like Illustration Friday.  It's on a Friday!  So on Fridays, I get to have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to illustrate (even though, as you know, I don't always actually do that...).  Since I'm slightly more determined than not to give this a go, I have Friday checked off.  Now I just need Monday - Thursday and then Saturday and Sunday. 
I've noticed that people that post every day of the year sometimes don't even write anything.  They just slap a picture up on their blog...I like that idea!  I don't like it, though, if it doesn't make sense.  I suppose that would be okay, though, yeah?  Nonsense is sometimes the best sense.  Certainly can be the most fun!
Tonight I am going to figure out themes/topics for the rest of the days of the week and I'm making tomorrow (Saturday 24th of March) my start day.  I might not make it to 365 days, but I am going to try to do one whole week!  *weak laugh * HA!  My air just sputtered out of my balloon, but that's okay because I can use my airless balloon as a slingshot.  Yes.
Tell me if you have ideas for the other days of the week!  Like...Macabre Monday (that actually appeals to me now that I typed it out...) or something easy to remember!
[tags art, drawing, blog, illustration friday, posting, writing, ambition, fear]

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