Friday, March 30, 2012

More difficult than I expected...

I realized that updating my blog every single day was going to be hard simply because I'm usually at a loss for interesting things to talk about or present.  When I find something that is noteworthy, I share it!  But finding noteworthy art-related things everyday is not easy.  Plus, I don't want to bore any of you, so I feel that added pressure (certainly I put it on myself) to present something that is even the slightest bit interesting.
Tomorrow will make 1 week that I have blogged every day.  That is, if I post tomorrow!  Illustration Friday posted their new word today and, initially, I was counting on that to use as today's post, but the word is "Return" and, honestly, I got nothin'.  I keep thinking "Return of the Jedi" or "Return of the Mack" and "Return to Sender" one of my favorite Elvis songs (I like Elvis, but not in a I-want-a-giant-velvet-painting-of-his-head kind of way). 
Since I try to keep my blog in the art-side of things, I have been wanting to post about a blog that I follow, but I haven't figured out exactly what to say or how to present it well enough.  Basically, the blog entries consist of multiple images along a common theme.  It is seriously candy fo' my eyes!  So, go here: Chicquero to see the blog and let your eyes be piggies!
{tags art, writing, life, blogging, blogs, following, links, persistence, effort] 

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